List of Key Note Speakers

WITCON ECE 2019 - International Conference

Prof. Akthar kalam
Qualifications: Ph.D.
Title: Professor & Discipline Leader, Engineering. Head of External Engagement & Leader – Smart Energy Research Unit.
Affiliation:Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Contact Details:[email protected]

Brief Profile: Akhtar has been at Victoria University since 1985 and was a former Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health, Engineering and Science for 7 years.

He has wide experience in educational institutions and industry across four continents. He received his B.Sc. and B.Sc. Engineering from Calcutta University and Aligarh Muslim University, India in 1969 and 1973 respectively. He completed his MS and Ph.D. at the University of Oklahoma, USA and the University of Bath, UK in 1975 and 1981 respectively. He has worked with Ingersoll Rand and other electrical manufacturers. He has held teaching appointments at the University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq and Capricornia Institute of Advanced Education, Rockhampton, Queensland.

He is regularly invited to deliver lectures, work on industrial projects and examine external thesis overseas. His major areas of interests are power system analysis, communication, control, protection and cogeneration systems. He has been actively engaged in the teaching of Energy Systems to undergraduates, postgraduates and providing professional courses to the industry both in Australia and overseas. He regularly offers professional development courses on Power System Protection, Renewable Energy and Cogeneration & Gas Turbine Operation to the Energy Supply Association of Australia (ESAA) and Australian Power Institute (API).

Prof. S. N. Singh
Qualifications: Ph.D.
Title: Vice-Chancellor & India Council Chairman of IEEE
Affiliation:MMM University of Technology Gorakhpur
Contact Details:[email protected]

Brief Profile: Prof S. N. Singh obtained his M. Tech. and Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, in 1989 and 1995. Presently, he is Vice-Chancellor, Madan Mohan Malviya University of Technology Gorakhpur and leave from Professor (HAG), Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. Before joining IIT Kanpur as Associate Professor, Dr Singh worked with UP State Electricity Board as Assistant Engineer from 1988 to 1996, with Rookree University (now IIT Rookree) as Assistant Professor from 1996 to 2000 and with Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand as Assistant Professor from 2001 to 2002. Dr Singh received several awards including Young Engineer Award 2000 of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), Khosla Research Award of IIT Roorkee, and Young Engineer Award of CBIP New Delhi (India), 1996. Prof Singh is receipt of Humboldt Fellowship of Germany (2005, 2007) and Otto-monsted Fellowship of Denmark (2009-10). Prof Singh became first Asian to receive 2013 IEEE Educational Activity Board Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education. He is also recipients of INAE Outstanding Teacher Award 2016 and IEEE R10 region (Asia-Pacific) Outstanding Volunteer Award 2016.

His research interests include power system restructuring, FACTS, power system optimization & control, security analysis, wind power, etc. Prof Singh has published more than 440 papers in International/national journals/conferences and supervised 29 PhD (11 PhD under progress). He has also written two books one on Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution and second is Basic Electrical Engineering, published by PHI, India. Prof Singh has completed three dozen of projects in India and abroad.

Prof Singh was Chairman, IEEE UP Section for 2013 & 2014, and presently, he is IEEE Region 10 (Asia-Pacific) Conference and Technical Seminar Coordinator 2015-18. Prof Singh is also India Council Chairman-Elect 2017 of IEEE, the largest professional body in engineering.