Contact Us


Get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Krishan chandra Mishra
Conference Organizing Chair, 2019-WITCON ECE
Convener, Young Professional Affinity Group, IEEE UP Section
Academic Coordinator, TEQIP-III (World Bank & MHRD India Project)

Counselor, IEEE WIT Student Branch
Secretary, IEEE WIECON ECE-2017
Assistant Professor in E.C.E. Department,
(An AICTE Approved, Government Institute, Affiliated to Uttarakhand Technical University,Dehradun)
Women Institute of Technology, WIT New Building,
U.T.U.Campus, Suddhowala, Dehradun-248007

mail ID: 
Contact No: +91-9720401816